Surveillance exotic mosquitoes in Belgium

Données d'échantillonnage
Dernière version Publié par Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp le juin 21, 2024 Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
Date de publication:
21 juin 2024
CC-BY 4.0

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Vector-borne diseases are a specific group of infections that present a (re-)emerging threat to Europe and require particular attention. The recent notifications of autochthonous transmission of dengue fever and chikungunya fever cases in Europe show its vulnerability to these diseases in areas where the vector, the invasive mosquito Aedes albopictus , is present. Strengthening surveillance of exotic mosquito species such as Ae. albopictus , Aedes aegypti , Aedes atropalpus , Aedes japonicus , Aedes koreicus and Aedes triseriatus , in areas at risk of importation or spread of mosquitoes and risk of virus transmission is therefore required. This is particularly important in the context of environmental and climate changes which might allow an increase of vector populations and virus amplification. The collection of information and data on vectors of public health (PH) significance are of crucial importance to understand the levels of risk that countries face, and to define the actions that need to be taken. All the occurrences are collected during a surveillance study in 2012. All info here: Deblauwe I., Sohier C., Coosemans M. 2012. ExoSurv: implementation of surveillance of exotic mosquitoes in Belgium. Report for the Federal and Regional governments of Belgium, 130p

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Deblauwe I, Van Bortel W, Brosens D (2024). Surveillance exotic mosquitoes in Belgium. Version 1.18. Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp. Samplingevent dataset.


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Samplingevent; Vector disease; exotic; mosquitoes; survey; Samplingevent


Isra Deblauwe
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Wim Van Bortel
  • Créateur
Dimitri Brosens
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Processeur
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Belgian Biodiversity Platform

Couverture géographique


Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [49,482, 2,472], Nord Est [51,522, 6,405]

Couverture taxonomique


Class Insecta
Family Culicidae

Couverture temporelle

Date de début 2012-01-01

Données sur le projet

In 2012, the new guidelines for the surveillance of IMS in Europe, produced by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), were tested in Belgium. This study aimed at (1) testing the usefulness and applicability in the field of the ECDC guidelines for the surveillance of IMS in Europe and (2) surveying IMS throughout Belgium. First, the scenarios, which Belgium is facing, were identified according to the ECDC guidelines. Second, the surveillance strategy and the methods were identified based on the guidelines and adjusted to the Belgium context. Two areas colonised by IMS and 20 potential points of entry (PoE) were selected. Mosquito Magnet Liberty Plus (CO2-baited) traps (23) and oviposition traps (147) were set-up, and larval sampling was performed monthly or bi-monthly from July till October 2012. Finally, the costs and workload of the surveillance activities were compared to the estimates provided by the ECDC guidelines. Surveillance at 20 potential PoE (complying with scenario 1) revealed that no new IMS were established in Belgium. Surveillance at two sites colonised by IMS (scenario 2) indicated that although control measures have drastically reduced the Ae. j. japonicus population this species is still present. Furthermore, Ae. koreicus is permanently established. For both scenarios, the problems encountered are discussed and recommendations are given. In addition, the actual workload was lower than the estimated workload, while the actual costs were higher than the estimated ones. The ECDC guidelines are helpful, applicable and efficient to implement surveillance of IMS in Belgium. Recommendations were customised to the local context (political demands, salary and investment costs, and existing expertise). The workload and costs related to the preparatory phase (i.e., planning, contacts with the PoE, writing a protocol) were found to be missing in the cost evaluation suggested in the guidelines. Updates on the occurrence of IMS in Belgium and the related risk for disease agents they can transmit will only be available once a structured and permanent surveillance system is implemented.

Titre Implementation of surveillance of exotic mosquitoes in Belgium
Financement Federal government and the governments of the Flemish, Walloon and Brussels-Capital region
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Belgium
Description du design This study aimed at (1) testing the usefulness and applicability in the field of the ECDC guidelines for the surveillance of IMS in Europe and (2) surveying IMS throughout Belgium.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Isra Deblauwe
  • Personne De Contact
Charlotte Sohier
Marc Coosemans

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

First, the scenarios, which Belgium is facing, were identified according to the ECDC guidelines. Second, the surveillance strategy and the methods were identified based on the guidelines and adjusted to the Belgium context. Two areas colonised by IMS and 20 potential points of entry (PoE) were selected. Mosquito Magnet Liberty Plus (CO2-baited) traps (23) and oviposition traps (147) were set-up, and larval sampling was performed monthly or bi-monthly from July till October 2012. Finally, the costs and workload of the surveillance activities were compared to the estimates provided by the ECDC guidelines.

Etendue de l'étude Objective 1: to detect possible foci of introduction and establishment of EMS at early stage in Belgium (Scenario 1: no established EMS). Objective 2a: to quantify the establishment of Ae. j. japonicus at Natoye and asses the quality/efficacy of the control measures used (Scenario 2: locally established EMS - already controlled). Objective 2b: to quantify the establishment of Ae. koreicus at Maasmechelen and detect the possible spread of this EMS (Scenario 2: locally established EMS - not controlled yet) Objective 3: to evaluate the efficiency of the oviposition trap compared to the CO2- trap (MMLP) in low density areas of Aedes species. Objective 4: to support rapid implementation of control measures to eliminate the EMS population Objective 5: to disseminate project outputs to the scientific community, end users and the general public
Contrôle qualité All was checked

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Collection in the field

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Deblauwe et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. 2014. Implementation of surveillance of invasive mosquitoes in Belgium according to the ECDC guidelines

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs b10b4c57-e186-4699-8e1c-0350c4993972