Phytoplankton in rivers in Flanders Belgium

Evento de amostragem
Versão mais recente published by Ghent University on mar 19, 2019 Ghent University
Publication date:
19 de março de 2019
Published by:
Ghent University
CC-BY 4.0

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Monitoring data from Flemish rivers and channels. The data contains phytoplankton counts of Flemish lakes and pools. Water bodies were monthly sampled during the growing season of a one-year period, from a bridge of the shore using a bucket. Each time, a 250ml subsample fixed using 125µl alcalic lugol, 6.25ml borax buffered formaldehyde (35%) and 250µm sodiumthiosulfaat (5 %).Samples were kept dark and cool until microscopic analysis, which was executed according to the European CEN-standard (EN 15204, 2006). In this method, a known volume of the sample was concentrated in a cuvet, after which different phytoplankton taxa were identified along a transect using an inverted microscope (Wild M40). When to much detritus was present, samples were coloured using Bengal red, to enable recognizing cells. For each sample, at least 250 individuals were counted, which was used to calculated to number of individuals per ml. Colonies were counted as one individual.

Registros de Dados

Os dados deste recurso de evento de amostragem foram publicados como um Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), que é o formato padronizado para compartilhamento de dados de biodiversidade como um conjunto de uma ou mais tabelas de dados. A tabela de dados do núcleo contém 76 registros.

Também existem 1 tabelas de dados de extensão. Um registro de extensão fornece informações adicionais sobre um registro do núcleo. O número de registros em cada tabela de dados de extensão é ilustrado abaixo.

Event (core)

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


A tabela abaixo mostra apenas versões de recursos que são publicamente acessíveis.

Como citar

Pesquisadores deveriam citar esta obra da seguinte maneira:

Jeroen Van Wichelen, Maureen Fagot, Frank Lavens and Wim Vyverman (2008). Fytoplanktonanalyses van een aantal Vlaamse waterlopen ten behoeve van de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water (VMM.ARW.001.2008)


Pesquisadores devem respeitar a seguinte declaração de direitos:

O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é Ghent University. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

Este recurso foi registrado no GBIF e atribuído ao seguinte GBIF UUID: 3d777576-eec6-44a0-ae80-012cf5f84e82.  Ghent University publica este recurso, e está registrado no GBIF como um publicador de dados aprovado por Belgian Biodiversity Platform.


rivers; phytoplankton; Biosphere; Biological Classification; Terrestrial Hydrosphere; Biota; Environment; Inland Waters; Occurrence

Dados externos

Os dados de recurso também estão disponíveis em outros formatos http://N/A ASCII N/A 0


Wim Vyverman
  • Provedor De Conteúdo
  • Originador
  • prof. dr.
Ghent University
  • Krijgslaan 281
9000 Gent
Jeroen Van Wichelen
  • Ponto De Contato
instituut natuur- en bosonderzoek (INBO)
  • Kliniekstraat 25
1070 Anderlecht
Maxime Sweetlove
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
  • phd student
Ghent University
  • Krijgslaan 281
9000 Gent
Jeroen Van Wichelen
  • Ponto De Contato
  • dr.
instituut natuur- en bosonderzoek (INBO)
  • Kliniekstraat 25
1070 Anderlecht
Jeroen Vanwichelen
  • Provedor De Conteúdo
  • dr.
instituut natuur- en bosonderzoek (INBO)
  • Kliniekstraat 25
1070 Anderlecht

Cobertura Geográfica

Rivers, canals and streams from the Flemish part of Belgium.

Coordenadas delimitadoras Sul Oeste [50,695, 2,373], Norte Leste [51,563, 6,021]

Cobertura Taxonômica

all unicellular eukaryotes and cyanobacteria

Domínio Eukarya (eukaryotes)
Filo Cyanobacteria (cyanobacteria)

Cobertura Temporal

Data Inicial / Data final 2007-07-17 / 2007-09-24

Dados Sobre o Projeto

Nenhuma descrição disponível

Título Fytoplanktonanalyses van een aantal Vlaamse waterlopen ten behoeve van de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water (VMM.ARW.001.2008)

O pessoal envolvido no projeto:

Jeroen Van Wichelen
Maureen Fagot
Frank Lavens
Wim Vyverman

Métodos de Amostragem

specification of method(s) used for sampling and sorting: Water bodies were monthly sampled during the growing season of a one-year period, from a bridge of the shore using a bucket. Each time, a 250ml subsample fixed using 125µl alcalic lugol, 6.25ml borax buffered formaldehyde (35%) and 250µm sodiumthiosulfaat (5 %).Samples were kept dark and cool until microscopic analysis, which was executed according to the European CEN-standard (EN 15204, 2006). In this method, a known volume of the sample was concentrated in a cuvet, after which different phytoplankton taxa were identified along a transect using an inverted microscope (Wild M40). When to much detritus was present, samples were coloured using Bengal red, to enable recognizing cells. For each sample, at least 250 individuals were counted, which was used to calculated to number of individuals per ml. Colonies were counted as one individual.

Área de Estudo covered timeframe: year from 2007 to 2007 historical data: no season: spring, summer temporal resolution/frequency of sampling: per month time series data: yes sample specification: quantitative (abundance data) replicate samples: no

Descrição dos passos do método:

  1. commonly used series of methods steps regarding phytoplankton (e.g. sampling, identification, data management)

Metadados Adicionais

Identificadores alternativos SF_19
Flemish rivers