DEMNA-DNE : Early warning system on Introduced Species in Wallonia

Registros biológicos
Versión 1.55 publicado por Service Public de Wallonie – Département d’Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole (SPW – DEMNA) el sep 26, 2022 Service Public de Wallonie – Département d’Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole (SPW – DEMNA)

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Early warning system on Introduced Species in Wallonia is a presence-only dataset aimed to deliver in real time the occurrence records of introduced species within Wallonia. Data are aggregated from various online recording systems that are maintenaid by the Département d'Étude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole (SPW-DEMNA).

Among these encoding systems, we find OFFH (Observations Faune Flore Habitats), the main occurrence encoding platform for the department experts and partners. But also specific surveys on exotic species (e.g. on the Giant Hogweed) open to the general public and thus based on citizen participation.

As this dataset aims to feed an alert system on exotic species, it also include non-validated data and attention should be paid to the validation status of the records!

If you have any return or remark, please do not hesitate to contact the Department for further details.


La siguiente tabla muestra sólo las versiones publicadas del recurso que son de acceso público.

¿Cómo referenciar?

Por favor, tenga en cuenta que ésta es una versión antigua del conjunto de datos.  Los usuarios deben citar este trabajo de la siguiente manera:

Barbier Y, Coupremanne M, Branquart E, Vanderhoeven S (2022): DEMNA-DNE : Early warning system on Introduced Species in Wallonia. v1.55. Service Public de Wallonie – Département d’Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole (SPW – DEMNA). Dataset/Occurrence.


Los usuarios deben respetar los siguientes derechos de uso:

El publicador y propietario de los derechos de este trabajo es Service Public de Wallonie – Département d’Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole (SPW – DEMNA). Esta obra está bajo una licencia Creative Commons de Atribución/Reconocimiento (CC-BY 4.0).

Registro GBIF

Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: 04871911-1b00-41f3-8dc6-fc0cea421f96.  Service Public de Wallonie – Département d’Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole (SPW – DEMNA) publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por Belgian Biodiversity Platform.

Palabras clave

Occurrence;Occurrence;Introduced species;Wallonia;Belgium;RIPARIAS;DEMNA;SPW;Invasive species; Observation


Yvan Barbier
  • Originador
  • Punto De Contacto
Biodiversity Expert/IT manager
Department d'étude du milieu naturel et agricole
Avenue Maréchal Juin 23
5030 Gembloux
Maxime Coupremanne
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
Data liaison officer
Belgian Biodiversity Platform - DEMNA
Boulevard Simon Bolivar, 30
1000 bruxelles
Etienne Branquart
  • Proveedor De Contenido
Biodiveristy expert
Department d'étude du milieu naturel et agricole
Avenue Maréchal Juin 23
5030 Gembloux
Sonia Vanderhoeven
  • Proveedor De Contenido
Biodiveristy Expert
Belgian Biodiversity Platform - DEMNA
Boulevard Simon Bolivar, 30
1000 Brussels
Maxime Coupremanne
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
Data Liaison officer
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Avenue Maréchal Juin 23
5030 Gembloux
Sonia Vanderhoeven
  • Proveedor De Contenido
Science officer
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Boulevard Simon Bolivar, 30
1000 Brussels
Adrien Latli
  • Proveedor De Contenido
Science officer
Department d'étude du milieu naturel et agricole
Avenue Maréchal Juin 23
5030 Gembloux
Etienne Branquart
  • Proveedor De Contenido
Science Officer
Department d'étude du milieu naturel et agricole
Avenue Maréchal Juin 23
5030 Gembloux

Cobertura taxonómica

introduced species from Wallonia. The dataset covers both plant and animal species mentionned as non native by the Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species - Belgium, and within other shorter listings. As mentionned in the basic metadata, this watch list also includes taxa that should not be considered as invasive for the entire wallonia/Belgium but from which the distribution dynamics are monitored.

Reino Animalia Linnaeus, 1758 (Animals, Metazoan), Haeckel (1866) (Plants)

Cobertura temporal

Época de existencia 1978 to now

Métodos de muestreo

Data are derived from a variety of contexts, including structured or targeted inventories conducted by the Department's experts and partners, their opportunistic observations, as well as citizen science via online survey modules targeting invasives and facilitating their participatory monitoring

Área de Estudio Wallonia, southern Belgium. Data derives from diverse encoding facilities, all managed by the Département d'Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole (SPW-DEMNA).
Control de Calidad Validation of each record is an important part of DEMNA-SPW's data policy. All raw records are submitted to a validation by biodiversity experts of the department. This validation can be based on a photo, on the observer's expertise or on plausibility. However, as this dataset serves as an early warning system, it also contains UNVALIDATED data and special attention must be paid to the identificationVerificationStatus field.

Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:

  1. Field data collection from various protocols and frameworks
  2. Encoding in departement data systems (OFFH,'enquêtes invasives, etc.)
  3. Automated fusion of records from the various systems
  4. API for a DWC-formatted exports of exotics species records, updated daily

Referencias bibliográficas

  1. Branquart E., Adriaens T., Devisscher S., D’hondt B., Denys L., Dumortier A., Latli A., Packet J., Scheers K., Vanderhoeven S. & Willeput R. (2021) Belgian alert lists of alien aquatic plants and crayfish. Report prepared in support of implementing action A1 of the LIFE RIPARIAS project LIFE19 NAT/BE/000953, 15 pages.

Metadatos adicionales

Propósito This dataset aims to feed a GBIF-mediated early warning system on introduced or invasive species within belgium in the framework of the LIFE RIPARIAS project.
Descripción de mantenimiento Daily automated update.
Identificadores alternativos 04871911-1b00-41f3-8dc6-fc0cea421f96